Beautiful pics of A.J. Mendez and Africa Zavala feet & legs

AJ Almasi - born Andrea Almasi - is a Model from the United States. In late December 2005, she appeared in the NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal as Briefcase Model No. 19. AJ was born at home in Hendersonville Tennessee she was a awkward "tomboy", with braces and glasses. AJ never imagined that this is something she can accomplish, yet in the same time, she is a fan of performing. Her family and close friends have said she's "bubbly" and has the potential to do anything as long as she is convinced. Almasi transformed quickly into an attractive, beautiful model after she relocated to Los Angeles for a modeling and acting career. Aj Almasi's real name was Andrea Almasi. In December of 2005, she was selected to be one of the 26 Briefcase Models for the upcoming NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal. Aj Almasi is an actress who is most well-known for Deal or No Deal, Bikini locations (2003) and The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson, (2005). she was on the show with Briefcase AJ stays focussed on her work in modeling and acting in L.A. and hopes to perform in the future.

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